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Re: Split Beetle

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:39 pm
by Pine
fig wrote:
Pine wrote:So how did my thread with pics of a nice Beetle on a car-inspired family outing end up in unneccessary criticism by a bunch of armchair Beete fundis more than a year later? Sometimes the negative comments on this Forum really SUCK :evil:
This is the only negative comment I can see on this thread.

Bad babelaas on Sunday Pine? :hangloose:
The comment has since been edited. (Something like 'wrong in so many ways')

Just the old principle that if you can't say anything nice about someone's car - rather say nothing at all. The owner of that Beetle happens to be the son of the late Waldie Greyvenstein, world famous car collector from Bloemfontein, who's cars ended up mostly in the Franschoek Museum after he passed away. So if you grew up with Bugattis, Hispano Suizas, Deusenbergs, Rolls Royces, etc I think some mistakes with a Beetle can be forgiven.

I go through a lot of trouble taking pictures and posting them here on ACVWSA with the sole purpose of sharing the passion, if I you want me to change it to a 'spot the errors' quiz, I can do that.

How many pictures of yesterdays CITP have been posted already today?

Re: Split Beetle

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:04 pm
by Tony Z
maybe be should wait for someone to buy their own Zwitter and we can comment on the amount of errors on that car?

Re: Split Beetle

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:53 pm
by aircooledculture
Right on the money Mr Z!

Sometimes no comment is the best comment, especially if you're an armchair Beetle Fundi.

Any car in its most original factory form is more beautiful than a modified or customed version thereof.
I'm not against custom or modifications, but don't expect me to be in favour to alter an example like that!
Period accesories are normally bolt on, so that's all I would add to my taste.

That car is pristine and nothing beats that. Stock factory. HOT!

Thanks for the pics Pine- that car is a real beauty! I hope to see it in real life myself.

My 50Cents.

Re: Split Beetle

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:49 pm
by fig
Pine wrote:The comment has since been edited. (Something like 'wrong in so many ways')
OK, my apologies then. Maybe it's time to edit your post as well since the other comment is no longer negative?

As always Pine, I and many others appreciate all the pics you post. We remember your pics long after any negaitve comments, so no need to be oversensitive about them. Also, the comments led to the question about what is a Zwitter and the thread became an educational one. Once again, no need to be too harsh about negative comments, we never know what value they can add even when it seems they're not intended to add any.

Re: Split Beetle

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:03 pm
by retrovan
Come on Pine, you normally the sole of the forum with quick wit, Your comeback is what we all wait for on times like this...... :cry:

A funny Pic, an witty comment, a sarcastic play on words.

We all have days where it just gets too much, (had some my self), but we need your input with facts and photo,s to keep us here.

as can be seen from my faint attempt, and lousy sense of humor, the job will always be yours, ..... :wink:


Re: Split Beetle

Posted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:40 am
by Drusky
I sympathize with Pine. People online seem to say things and behave in a way that you would never, never experience from them in person. Crude, ungracious behaviour is all too common and if you are exposed to it enough you do get tired of it. Try spending some time reading You Tube comments and see if you don't agree. Does anonymity make people believe that they can drop the niceties of polite communication and abandon all social graces? Maybe they behave that way all the time. Who knows?

There is nothing wrong with looking at a vehicle and saying that it is not "correct". This is after all a forum where you want to see comment and discussion but don't you agree that all comments should add value to the discussion?
Saying, "There are so many things wrong with that car." is not useful to anyone. It is negative input, no value, a waste of your time and mine. I, with my limited knowledge of these things, would love to know what exactly you think is out of place. That is why I am here. To learn. You should also accept that YOU might be wrong, in which case YOU can learn too, how very lekker!

Pine, don't let the ugliness of the interweb get to you. I echo fig's sentiment. I really enjoy your input. It is always interesting.

Re: Split Beetle

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 10:50 am
by 51splitfanatic

I personally think people are just green with envy. Nice Zwitter............looks a little old speed with those wheels!!! Zwitter beetles are few and far between.


51 Splitfanatic :D